New Drone

navy drone landing
Drone, new addition in archaeologist’s kit. Archaeology is an important subject as it has helped the humans to know about the humans past.  And for ages archaeologists have been banking on their traditional tools like the trowel and the plumb bob to smell new iconic sites and also to find out what lays beneath the earth.
But it appears that this might change forever with the technological advancement. And such things are already been put into practice. If in Peru drone is being used to gather data and other crucial information important for archaeologists in some parts small remote-controlled helicopter are being used to buzz over ancient hilltop ruins.Interestingly, they have been found doing great jobs as within hours they are in a position to snap hundreds of photograph thanks to technological advancement.
Right now this new technology of drone is being used to gather more information about the Moche civilization. Luis Jaime Castillo Butters, Peru’s vice minister of cultural heritage who has piloted the drone aircraft, said: “This site is threatened on every side.”
And hence for him drones are best equipment to get vital information that too without damaging the site. Dr. Castillo, who is also a prominent archaeologist, has plans to revolutionise how archaeologists gather information and go about. It is understood he has prepared an outline to be presented at a conference in San Francisco next year on the use of drones for this purpose.


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