Fastest Bike Ever Tested 2015 ! (MTT Turbine Y2K)

MTT Turbine Superbike

The MTT Y2K Turbine Motorcycle, also known as the Y2K Turbine Superbike, is a wheel-driven non-production[ motorcycle powered by a turboshaft engine. When MTT president Ted Mclntyre decided to add a motorcycle to his firm's range, he appointed Christian Travert, a former bike racer and custom builder, to head the project. Early models were powered by a Rolls-Royce-Allison Model 250-C18 gas turbine producing 320 shp (240 kW) at 52,000 rpm.Unlike some earlier jet-powered motorcycles where a massive jet engine provided thrust to push the motorcycle, the turboshaft engine on this model drives the rear wheel via a two-speed gearbox and chain and sprocket. The motorcycles are produced on demand and made to order for buyers.The turbines used in the motorcycles are second-hand, having reached the United StatesFAA-mandated running time limit, after which they must be rebuilt regardless of condition. MTT refurbishes the engines and extends a long term warranty with the purchase of every bike.
The MTT Turbine Superbike does not require jet fuel to operate. MTT has fueled the Y2K withdiesel, kerosene and Bio-Fuel with excellent results.
In 2006, MTT released the "Street Fighter," at the Las Vegas SEMA show. The Street Fighter began the standardization of the more powerful 420 hp (310 kW) turbine from the Allison 250-C20B engine.
In 2015, MTT released two new models. The first was a three-wheeled trike with the 420 HP turbine engine. It features the latest technology and enhanced safety features. The second new bike released by MTT is the 420-RR (Race Ready). The 420-RR is the most extreme bike that MTT produces based on technical advances, aerodynamics and Race Ready 


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